BERTSCHfoodtec takes over Italian partner Giacomazzi Food Tech after 25 years of successful collaboration.
It is a milestone for the established Austrian company: A notarial deed in Milan seals the acquisition of Giacomazzi Food Tech as a 100% subsidiary of BERTSCHfoodtec.
The focus of the strategic acquisition is to strengthen market presence and further market penetration in Italy, the home of Giacomazzi Food Tech, which is also an extremely important market for BERTSCHfoodtec. At the same time, BERTSCHfoodtec's core markets in Europe are to benefit from the added products and solutions. In addition, the companies plan to enter new markets with combined forces and a linked product portfolio.
BERTSCHfoodtec provides a strong foundation for joint future endeavours. Right now, synergies are used, structures are adopted, processes are aligned, and the mutual learning continues. The Austrian company's expertise in plant construction and mechanical engineering for semi-hard and hard cheeses is topped off by the Italian know-how for pasta filata. Giacomazzi Food Tech specializes in systems for curd drainage and maturation as well as hardening and brining lines for moulded cheeses.
BERTSCHfoodtec has already been operating in the dairy industry for nearly 100 years and has since developed into a leading international player in plant engineering for cheese processing plants and dairy plants. Addition to the company’s international locations are an office in Carpi (Modena) and a production facility in Parma. Giacomazzi Food Tech will continue to operate under its own name and the management will remain in the family with Mauro Giacomazzi as Managing Director.
Mauro Giacomazzi is the second generation Giacomazzi in the company and is also excited about the acquisition. "We are proud to now be a part of BERTSCHfoodtec. We look forward to joining forces and achieving new goals together. This acquisition is a big step for us. We are ready to grow and succeed with BERTSCHfoodtec."
Hubert Bertsch Jr, Managing Director of BERTSCHfoodtec and responsible for technology and production, represents the fourth generation of the Bertsch family in the company: "It is a pleasure for us to add Giacomazzi Food Tech to our group. We are building intensively on our previous cooperation and using the connecting strengths to provide our customers with high-quality production lines and to drive innovation."
It is not only a strategic but also an emotional matter for both parties involved. BERTSCHfoodtec as well as Giacomazzi Food Tech are family businesses with strong innovative power, great quality awareness and dedicated customer centricity. The extremely profitable and also in terms of interpersonal relationships successful cooperation of the past 25 years has shown that the Austrian and Italian companies complement each other perfectly. By realizing joint projects, both parties have become stronger and, with the legal union, intend to sustainably work the relevant markets in a goal-oriented manner.
"We are confident that together we will expand our business and serve our customers even better. We strive to shape the future of the dairy industry and to consolidate our position as a leading supplier of cheese processing plants and dairy plants," comments Christoph Hueber, who as Managing Director of BERTSCHfoodtec is responsible for sales and project management.
The contracting parties and business partners are pictured after signing the contract in Milan: Lisa Oliveri, Mauro Giacomazzi, Hubert Bertsch jun., Christoph Hueber
Annual conference of the Landesverband Bayerischer und Sächsischer Molkereifachleute und Milchwirtschaftler e.V. 2022
Annual conference of the Landesverband Bayerischer und Sächsischer Molkereifachleute und Milchwirtschaftler e.V. 2022 - it was our pleasure to be there!
During the tour of the Goldsteig cheese dairy, the 160 attendees spotted one of our BERTSCH universal cheese vats. It has been at the heart of the production for many years.
After the tour, we were excited to meet many familiar faces and make new contacts at the networking event. The exchange on current trends and developments in the dairy industry was particularly exciting and we appreciate the passion of everyone involved.
It is a real pleasure for us to be a reliable partner of the Bavarian and Saxon cheese dairies and dairies!
Bludenz-läuft 2022
"Bludenz-läuft" - and so do we!
Congratulations to our employees on their great success at the race and thank you for spending such a fun day together!
Throwback to our hometown’s own running event. At the event, we sponsored the 14km race which was called BERTSCH City Run. The race track even passes by our headquarters and offices. This was our second year as a sponsor emphasizing our commitment to our region and city.
It is important for us to take part in such events together with our employees. Being active, showing team spirit and spending time together outside the office make lasting memories.
Anuga FoodTec 2022
Looking back on Anuga FoodTec 2022
This year, we presented our BERTSCH universal cheese vat in a new design at the exhibition!
Stay tuned for more information and details about it here on LinkedIn. If you want to know more right away, please don’t hesitate to contact our sales manager Helmut Rothdach via
Thank you to everyone who visited our stand! We enjoyed the personal get togethers, the interesting conversations about technology for the food industry and of course our traditional Vorarlberg Kässpätzle.
New workspace for the milk processing
New workspace for the milk processing at Marina and Michael Kegele in Bürserberg!
The alpine dairy was equipped with a BERTSCH pasteuriser and cheese vat with 300l and has already been put into operation. The pasteurisation process now runs automatically thanks to a control system with electric heating.
Thank you for your trust, Family Kegele! The delicious goat's and cow's milk products produced here are sold directly from the farm or at markets in the region.
BERTSCHfoodtec Élargissement du conseil d'administration par Hubert Bertsch jun. BSc, MA
En raison des résultats extrêmement satisfaisants du BERTSCHfoodtec 2019, qui a permis de doubler les ventes, l'équipe de direction actuelle sera élargie pour inclure le MBA de Christoph Hueber et Stefan Kuzmits.
Je suis particulièrement heureux qu'Hubert Bertsch jun. BSc, MA ait renforcé la direction de BERTSCHfoodtec dans sa nouvelle fonction de COO (Chief Operating Officer) depuis le début du mois d'août. Il est responsable du département de conception et de la nouvelle usine au Brésil. Sa formation technique et commerciale ainsi que l'expérience professionnelle qu'il a acquise en Allemagne et à l'étranger l'ont bien préparé à son nouveau rôle.
Avec cette jeune et dynamique expansion, BERTSCHfoodtec met en œuvre avec détermination et énergie le déménagement de l'usine de Hörsching près de Linz à Braz. Nous sommes convaincus que la convergence de la planification et de la production, sous la nouvelle direction d'Hubert Bertsch Jr., nous permettra de poursuivre les innovations et de tirer parti du résultat d'exploitation positif de l'année dernière.
Gestion de la crise corona
La crise COVID-19 s'est propagée dans le monde entier et affecte toutes nos vies. Dans la situation actuelle, la santé de nos employés, de nos clients, fournisseurs et partenaires passe avant tout.
Depuis le début de la crise, nous prenons des mesures pour maintenir notre travail au quotidien. Afin de garantir le bon fonctionnement de nos activités quotidiennes, nous avons notamment mis en place les mesures suivantes:
Nous avons mis en place des règles d'hygiène plus strictes et veillons à ce que nos employés aient plus que la distance de sécurité recommandée les uns par rapport aux autres. Il y a aussi des opérations qui se font par équipes décalées dans les bureaux et des travaux en Home office.
Tous les employés en Home office sont équipés des dernières technologies pour mener des vidéoconférences afin que les réunions puissent avoir lieu de manière productive. Grâce à toutes ces mesures et grâce à l'engagement de chacun, nous sommes en mesure de poursuivre notre travail de manière fiable et efficace.
Nous sommes en contact étroit avec nos clients et élaborons une solution individuelle pour chaque situation. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez contacter votre personne de contact, le directeur général responsable ou même personnellement, Tel. +43 664 20 989 20.
Cela s'applique à toutes les sociétés du groupe: BERTSCHenergy, BERTSCHfoodtec, BERTSCHlaska et BERTSCHservice.
Merci pour votre compréhension et votre confiance en notre entreprise. Nous vous souhaitons un succès continu dans la vie professionnelle et la santé au quotidien pour vous, votre famille, vos amis, vos employés.
Hubert Bertsch
90 Jahre Firma BERTSCH
2015 feiert die BERTSCHgroup ihr 90-jähriges Bestehen – ein innovativer Vorarlberger Familienbetrieb. Gestern wurde im Werk in Nüziders gefeiert und dabei gleichzeitig auch die erweiterte Lehrwerkstätte eröffnet.