As a specialist for customised, complete abattoir system solutions, including the processing of by-products, cutting systems, logistics and refrigeration, BERTSCHlaska has made a name for itself around the world. Our customers particularly value our first-class technology, combined with decades of experience in international markets.
Optimal dimensioning of systems for a smooth production performance.
Especially in an abattoir, safety, ergonomics, efficiency and of course hygiene all play a decisive role. Innovative and proven technology from BERTSCHlaska ensures all of the working procedures in every slaughter-line and significantly improves efficiency. All of our abattoir solutions are precisely adapted to meet our customers’ needs and the requirements of the respective market..
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In the extensive range of machines and systems from BERTSCHlaska, we provide all of the machines and equipment to professionally support all slaughtering processes and make everyday work easier. High quality, high availability, long service life, ergonomic design and ease of use all characterise the wide range of products.
In the extensive range of machines and systems from BERTSCHlaska, we provide all of the machines and equipment to professionally support all slaughtering processes and make everyday work easier. High quality, high availability, long service life, ergonomic design and ease of use all characterise the wide range of products.
Precise, professional and hygienic cutting systems.
BERTSCHlaska offers its customers complete lines which allow for precise, technically correct and hygienic cutting systems of the carcass in suitable portions for consumers and in primal cuts. The customers themselves determine the degree of automation in each case. Our specialists ensure smooth operation of all steps in the process, including a well considered hygiene and logistics concept, to produce products which are always fresh and have maximum storage life.
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Environmentally neutral disposal facilities for by-products.
When slaughtering animals, there are valuable by-products which can make a significant contribution to the value created in the operation. The more precise and hygienic, the more effective the result. So that this result can flow into the overall profitability calculations, all of the processing lines for the by-products – such as blood mixers, blood tanks and intestine cleaning lines as well as environmentally neutral disposal systems for slaughter wasteproducts – are taken into account during planning.
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Manual, semi-automatic or fully-automatic loading and unloading of cold-storage rooms.
So that the cut-up carcasses can be transported without delay and with minimum effort into the refrigerated rooms, a carefully conceived tubular track concept is required. For this, we plan and build tubular track systems to your requirements to transport cut-up carcasses manually, semi-automatically or fully automatically to and from refrigerated storage rooms, which feature state-of-the-art technology.
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Special processes guaranties an even, hygienic product thawing.
For the reliable and modern technology for our thawing systems, we rely on our specialist partner of many years, providing first-class technology and constant innovations around the world. For the quick and efficient but careful thawing of beef and pork halves as well as mutton carcasses and blocks of meat, we use a special process with a high humidity. This guarantees an even, hygienic thawing with only minimal losses, exactly as required for furtherProcessing.
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Baumgasse 68
1030 Wien
Via Chiesa Cortile, 21/A
41012 Carpi (MO)